OK........here is one for you wizards. I am sure it is not a big deal to fix....but I am a homebuilder not a computer wizard. My laptop has windows xp-I am clicking away- and it totally freezes up, until I turn it off and then back on.....then it works fine again. This happens about once a day, and SEEMS to happen while the AVG scan in running in the background..??.. Any ideas to fix this annoyance will be appreciated alot. Thank you in advance.............donbunker900

don't used computer with virus scan running in background,could be you and the virus scan tried aces same address in ram at the same time you were using it .

when u are using the laptop is it on a hard surface like a table or do you place it on a pillow or bed.

I have to admit here that i have been guilty of that as well, sometimes i do use the laptop on bed but mostly i try to make sure i have a solid cardboard cover book underneath it but then again sometimes I have used it on my bed on duvet etc when i feel too lazy to pick the book up or anything hard to ensure a lil bit of airflow....oops!


When you use ur laptop without AVG has it ever froze on ya? Cos if not then you know the solution for your problem. ALso just out of curiosity as don says it happens about once a day when AVG scan is running in the background, does AVG scan runs daily?? I am not an AVG user and was thinking that virus scans runs once a week or so. If it does run daily then the next question is is it particularily mandatory to run it daily?

The questions arent directed to OP only, feel free to chip in.

Now another suggestion, if it freezes when you are running the scan then may be you can changea few settings on the scan to run when you dont particularily use the laptop for the scan to run uninterruptedly.


Good thoughts.....thank you. The AVG was installed by a computer store that put a new hard drvie in my laptop last January....and I am almost embarrased to say I don't know how to set it up differently than they did when installed..I may venture enough to uninstall it and see if that helps. That is very logical and thank you for that idea. It is encouraging that you helpful people are out there. thank you all. db

You dont need to uninstall it mate as that may leave your laptop open to threats but just open the application and play around with it and then change the scanning frequency to say weekly or on those times when you do not interfere with the scan. I would not recommend you to uninstall it. The scan change might be in the prefrences..settings...options or something on those lines of menu in AVG as most others are. As i said i dont use it so not familiar with the whole thing but by changing the scan days and times you might find the solution of your problem.

Hope this helps you out


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