I have an Acer Ferrari 3400 laptop that I have had for a few years now. Just recently the CD/DVD drive has disappeared from my My Computer path, and the computer won't register that I inserted a CD or DVD. I've checked the drivers already through the Device Manager, and it says the driver is there, and is fully functional, but obviously something is wrong if I can't get my computer to read any CDs or DVDs. Help!

is this a removable drive?

No. It's just a slot in the side of my laptop.

does it show up in bios of the pc? when i say removable i meant if the drive can be ejected.

No, the drive can't be ejected, and yes, it shows up in the BIOS. And also, when I put a CD or DVD into the drive, the timer pops up like its loading, but nothing comes up.

i hope in your laptop as you said after checking you found that there is no problem to your cd/dvd drive while checking throutg devicemanager,then the only problem which can show like this is error in os files ,ie files related to drivers in your os is having seviour error ot these files may be lost that is why your dvd drive is not appeating on my computer and not performing,my pc had smae problem few days back after a reinstallation of os the problem is solved,just check it out

before you go get that drastic try this in the bios disable or remove the cd drive. restart the pc, then restart go back in the bios add the cd drive, when the pc boots up, see if the drive show up, if not do add new hardware. to see if the system detect the drive.

Doesn't really matter now. Said laptop was stolen before I was able to find what the problem was or attempt to fix it.

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