IBM warns of cybercrime perfect storm

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The IBM Internet Security Systems division, better known simply as ISS, has today warned of the 'perfect storm' of security threats which has been created by the global economic slowdown, an unprecedented level of cybercrime activity and both the cost and complexity of legal security infrastructures.

ISS announced a set of actions in order to help bolster its security solutions to navigate this perfect storm while, apparently, saving money at the same time. These actions have been prompted, I am informed, after the IBM X-Force team of elite security experts detected a couple of things which startled them somewhat. First there was the 30 percent increase in network and web-based security events in a matter of just 120 days. The total numbers being seen rising from 1.8 billion to 2.5 billion per day on a global basis. Then, it saw a 40 percent jump in the same period when it came to client access of it's IBM Virtual Security Operations Centres. These are used by business and governments alike to monitor and verify network and web-based attacks. A significant portion of the increase came from clients that had not previously logged in to the security operations centres in more than six months.

IBM security experts predict the rise in cyber threats has just begun. These researchers have the ability to not only detect various potential network and Web-based vulnerabilities, but also to monitor when attempts are made to exploit those flaws through IBM’s global customer base. They can then detect various exploit attempts in one part of the world and help protect against those same attacks in regions not yet susceptible.

ISS has said it will:

Introduce new identity and access management services that help combat online threats. These services help organisations define system users and manage who has access to sensitive data and applications, increasingly vital as the IBM X-Force Quarterly Report released in early December shows more than 42 percent of vulnerabilities are caused by weaknesses in access and identity management.

Offer a complementary, comprehensive financial assessment of a company or government’s security infrastructure management costs and the savings attributed to implementing IBM’s security services.

“We are currently in a perfect storm of security threats as businesses are cutting costs, insider threats are rising, and cybercriminals are using the ensuing confusion to create opportunities for themselves,” said Val Rahmani, general manager of IBM’s Internet Security Systems. These services, in conjunction with our new and evolving security products, are unique in helping our clients successfully navigate this storm by reducing costs while improving overall security and compliance posture.”