I have 2 computers at home using a cable modem. The modem is connected to a PC and then the other PC is networked. The problem is with the the main PCconnected to the modem. It is very strange.

Over the past week the Explorer (6.0) and Outlook have worked fine. After about 3 hours, sometimes a little later the main PC just trips out and disconnects access to the modem. I get rejection messages and have to reboot.

What is strange is that my other PC connected via a network keeps working through the network and I can use Explorer without a problem.

What confuses me is that it is not just Explorer but also Outlook and it only is a problem with the main PC. What also confused me last night is that the system triped again without outlook or explorer being loaded. Now I am really lost.

I have recently use a trialware version of Norton that I think must be the problem. The software also included adware and spy options and some files were deleted.

Since this I have downloaded Spybot and this works much better, has improved system performance but the problem still remains.

I hope someone can help

It would be nice to know what operating system you are using. Can you manually disconnect your modem connection, reconnect and then get back on line without rebooting? Did you try? You can also try going to Trendmicro.com and do an online virus scan with their Free House Call. It's pretty good. Did you completely remove Norton?

It would be nice to know what operating system you are using. Can you manually disconnect your modem connection, reconnect and then get back on line without rebooting? Did you try? You can also try going to Trendmicro.com and do an online virus scan with their Free House Call. It's pretty good. Did you completely remove Norton?

OK, the server is running w2k and the other PC is windows XP. I have run Free House call and cleaned the system.

I was also on the machine when the problem occured and it is wierd. I could not get into internet sites nor outlook but I was using a phone dialer from callserve. This continued to work even though all IE atempts failed and Outlook would not send/receive. I did hear what sounded like an electron ic burst through my headset approximately when IE access failed. I am now at a complete loss....... Hope you can help

Did housecall find anything? If so, what did it find? Did you try what I asked about disconnecting your modem connection and re establishing it? What was the result. You do have an unusual problem, because obviously the lower layers of tcpip connectivity are intact. Are you entering into any special encrypted or secure sessions anywhere in this, or are you just browsing the Internet.

Did housecall find anything? If so, what did it find? Did you try what I asked about disconnecting your modem connection and re establishing it? What was the result. You do have an unusual problem, because obviously the lower layers of tcpip connectivity are intact. Are you entering into any special encrypted or secure sessions anywhere in this, or are you just browsing the Internet.

Housecall would not operate properly so I installed fsecure. This seems to have solved the problem by identifying some 6 viruses that Norton had failed to identify.
System now working well,


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