Ok my friends computer has cable modem setup through a linksys wireless router(I can get more specifications later on) and randomly while connected the error message comes up saying that a network cable has been undone. then you have to disable the network connection once or twice before you enabling it actually works. Now the only thing i can think of is that there wireless router is not equiped for the recently made available faster cable speeds so it looses the connection. either that or the computer cannot pick up the singnal.

P.s my friend is not very computer smart.

Please describe your setup in more detail...

Are you using Wireless?

cable modem setup through a linksys wireless router(I can get more specifications later on) Now the only thing i can think of is that there wireless router is not equiped for the recently made available faster cable speeds so it looses the connection.

I think that answers one of your questions and since it is 3:23 am here in boston i have to wait until tomorrow to get more specifications.

Sounds like wireless. There was an issue with XP not being able to reconnect to an access point after going to standby...might be something like this. Otherwise I'd say you're probably right that the computer is just losing the signal. I would first try adjusting the antennae and moving the access point. Also, I've heard of microwaves and cordless phones causing this sort of thing as well. Might want to find out if there is a cordless phone in the house or whether this only happens when a microwave is being run. I went to a wireless seminar last year and the speaker told a story of a industrial microwave that was leaking microwave signal at a sandwich shop that would cause one of his clients to lose connectivity to his access point every time they cooked a sandwich since the the microwave's leaking signal was in the same frequency - sheesh! The only way he could figure it out was that it always seemed to happen at lunch time. Good luck figuring that kind of problem out...hopefully it's nothing like this for your buddy!

commented: good info never would of thought of that +1

Cordless phones operate at: 900 mHz, 2.4 gHz
Microwaves send a signal out at: 2.4 gHz
Wifi attempts to communicate at: 2.4 gHz

Anyone else notice the problem here?

(This may or may not be related to your problem, mikeandike22.)

Im pretty sure that he has a cordless phone in the room or just out side of it. but if that is not the problem then i think it is because the modem is over in one corner and the wireless reciever is on the computer wich is in a part of the room that pushes out a bit farther so it should be any of those two. Thanks for the info.

If he's using wireless networking, I'm guessing he has a laptop. (It's kinda pointless to have wireless in a desktop, but some people do...) Move the laptop around to see if the signal improves.

There's a program called "Network stumbler" that will give you an idea of just about all that's in the 2.4 gHz band. I pick up the signatures of portable phones (not the call itself, but just the disturbance) with it, as well as access points.

I'm thinking my description of Network Stumbler is inaccurate... It is designed to pick up access points, and display them. It will sometimes pick up the disturbances such as portable phones and may give you an idea of something causing trouble with your signal.

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