I just got fios installed in my house. It comes with the wireless router...which is setup downstairs on the family pc. All my stuff...xbox, laptop, pc, psp, ps3 are all up stairs where the signal is weak. I have the old wireless router still. Can I set that up somehow so that I can get a better signal upstairs with all of my stuff?

no???? and you will not be able to connect any more device to the router anyway, base on this>>> 1)family pc. All my stuff...2)xbox, 3)laptop, 4)pc, 5)psp, 6)ps3 six items connected?????? you can only connect 5 to the router.

two wireless devices will only conflict with each other, what you will need is a range expander,

psp, laptop, ps3 is wireless

xbox and pc are the only wired items.

I can't just bridge the connection or make it so the old router acts as a repeater not a router?

so you have five items connected, you will not be able to connect another device, any combination of wired and wireless totalling 5 is the limit. what is the brand of the router, i doubt you can config it to be a repeater, you could connect it and try the configuration page througt the internet but i doubt it very much.

netgear and i dont think there is a limit to wireless devices

Ok, for those who would later go on to read this... it's quite ok to have more than 5 devices on a wireless connection. Your wireless network will support as many hosts as your subnet host octet will hold. On a class C network you can hold a range of 1-254 devices... though I wouldn't recomend 254!... to boost your signal you could try using a cheep hub connected to one of your routers LAN ports and then running a ethernet cable to desired location and then hook the other router to it... that might be the hard way but then again you could just play with the other router for a while and see what happens.

Actually, that hub and the router thing might cause you to have two networks instead of one which may or may not complicate things... good luck

I could be off base here and not understand the question but here ya go anyway..

Just connect the routers with an straight through ethernet cable in the respective routers switch ports. for which ever one is the secondary router you will need to disable DHCP. that setup should work fine. Thats what I've done with a belkin router and a Linksys router.

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