trying to get my laptop to work wireless not sure what im doing im new at this and I hope im in the right place like i said Im new at this thanks

What wireless router are you using? What operating system are you using?

windows vista links

First you need to set the router's security to use WPA. This procedure differs with different routers but the general idea is to use WPA in the security tab in the router and set a password you remember. (Consult your router manual or google your routers name on how to do this)
Then enable your wireless card on your laptop and double click the wireless icon in the bottom right hand corner of the desktop. Then enter your password there and you should connect

ok, to the original poster. You need to give us more details. What you said is not nearly enough. What is the exact problem? what router are you using? What are you trying to do that doesn't work? has this happened before?

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