Can someone please help...
We are runnning a small office network and we have 1 server and 3 client computers all running XP Pro... About half way through last week one computer can not browse some websites.. i pinged the websites from that computer and it times out but all the other computers get that website fine... that are about 5 websites that this happens for since last week. Does anyone have any ideas i can try...


did u try to get the nslookup results for the webistes not opening? do post the results

the nslookup is fine on all the machines... any more ideas??? anyone???

Anyone??? u said u cant ping those 5 websites. trace route to the webiste and see where you get a break. does that give any clue?

The ping and trace both time out for those sites... what do i do now...

This may sound obvious, but since you didn't mention it explicitly:
Are you getting the same results from your test when you use the sites' IP addresses instead of their URLs?

Also- what exact sites are we talking about?


could u pls tell us abt the websites. so sucks

Do your firewall logs yield any clues?

Even if not, drop your firewalls (be sure to disable them entirely) as a test. Firewall programs can get corrupted or confused, causing connection problems which may not even have a visable/identifyable source.

Yeah i have tried with the firewall off and still no difference.

please post the traceroute result for any 1 website that you can't access.

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