Wotcha, folks.
My first post, so please bear with me - I tend to ramble.
I've just set up a small network at work. 2 XP machines sharing a folder - no problems. I used the HomePlug network thingy here.
I want to write a small Visual Basic program that will share and update data accross this network.
The problem is, is that I can't figure out where to locate the data. The shared folder is located here:
//user/shared folder
....but that doesn't help when I want to load or save data to a specific place.
Is there a way I can dedicate a harddrive or a standalone machine to act as a server - and then refer to it as Z:? So that regardless of which networked machine you're at, saving data to Z: will always direct to that specific location / drive?
I hope this makes sense. As i say, i do tend to ramble when I'm confused.
Any way, look forward to any help that might pass this way.
Thanks for listening.