Im RajNOX, this is ma first thread as well.

im doing ma final year BSc in computer systems and networking. Im in need of doing a final year project. Please can anyone help me in this issue as giving me your ideas about what you thing that would be feasible..

the topics may include networking and embedded systems. specialy something to do with wireless networking is highly welcome..

Build a simple firewall for your project assignment.

thx buddy.. anymore ideas not about firewalls.. i forgot to mention that firwall is not making a scope to our in charge person. i dont know why...

How about JAUS?
It's a standard for (wireless) network communication for robotics. Could implement this into a custom piece of software?

It depends on how good you are with networks or networking in general, why don't you do something on Wireless Security, its fun and interesting try it out.

thx buddies..

hey can you be specific in wireless security brother.. it mite be a big help..

wow that is a good info...

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