I want to know how to get the IP ADDRESS of any website.... Hope you reply soon.. Thank you..

You can use the ping utility in windows.

1. Bring up command prompt
2. Type - ping www.google.com
3. replace google with whatever website you want

You can use the ping utility in windows.

1. Bring up command prompt
2. Type - ping www.google.com
3. replace google with whatever website you want

but, what do i need to type first..? pls. be specific.. thanks..

Oh ya I apologize.

1. Hit your windows key + R
2. type 'cmd ' press enter
3. follow with my original post

This doesn't work if you are at an organization with certain firewalls, such as on campus or hospital.

I also remembered reading that you can use http://www.whois.net/

I want to know how to get the IP ADDRESS of any website.... Hope you reply soon.. Thank you..

hi dear u should try run/type that site name like that yahoo.com -t ok n now u can see that whats the ip

1. Go to Start-> Run
2. Type cmd
3. In the window type ping <website name>.
e.g: ping google.com
4. You will find the follwing:
Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=273ms TTL=243
Reply from bytes=32 time=273ms TTL=243
Reply from bytes=32 time=274ms TTL=243
Reply from bytes=32 time=273ms TTL=243

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 273ms, Maximum = 274ms, Average = 273ms

The Ip is the IP address of google.com
Similarly get it for others.....


thanks anish.. hope you help me again if i have a problem.. thanks again...

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