I have a port server that converts an 19.2kbps rs-232 data stream to tcp/ip then to my computer wirelessly using Motorola Canopy system. When my tcp/ip server software connects to the end device (the serial device), the available bandwidth is reduced drastically. Here is a screen shot of the bandwidth usage when connected to two port servers:
See Attached Image 1
(My computer IP is .140 and the two serial port server IPs are .101 and .102)
I used wireshark to have a look at the packets being sent accross the network. It seems that the network conjestion is being cause by a Duplicate Acks sent by my computer. Here is a picture of the wireshark capture:
See Attached Image 2
(My computer IP is .140 and the two serial port server IPs are .101 and .102)
What are possible explainations of so many duplicate acks being sent. What else can I do to trouble shoot the problem?
Thanks so much for any help as I have been scratching my head for days on this one:)