Tek I dont want to make you made I am a Novell freak big time. I respect Novell but it seems like there going down slowly even though they released Novell 6 sometime early last year. Novell is best for managing users but the cost of it is just not worth it no more.
People have a hard time with Windows 2000 Server as it is, and have a hard time buying it. $1000!!! (10) your crazy. Novell is like (25) $4600.
The only companies I see using Novell are big companies Courts/Hosiptals otherwise there gone man. I see less and less of there stuff and these places if your lucky you see Novell 5.0
I am not dogging this OS which I fully support but it's seems like there stocks are at a penny and there next to go under.
Dont get me wrong I love Novell you may have different point of views I am just telling you my facts and what I think. I would love to hear your comment on this one lol go easy on me please.