
I downgraded my laptop Sony VIAO 23G/P to windows XP. I have installed the required drivers, wireless n/w are getting detected , but bytes are not received. Please help.

I have seen this issue with Amer access points in an office building. The issue there was they had so many set to every channel that they where stepping on each other. What we had to do is after we got a computer connected we had to unplug and replug in the access point and everything started working. I do not think that is the case here but you can try it.


I downgraded my laptop Sony VIAO 23G/P to windows XP. I have installed the required drivers, wireless n/w are getting detected , but bytes are not received. Please help.

I think, you have missed some files at the time of installation. so you should try to install your all drivers and window again.

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