Ok, let me preface this by saying I have browsed all day doing searches on if you can hook a router to a router to expand available ports, etc. So I realize it can be done. I even have a fairly good idea as to how to configure the secondary router as a non-DNS assigning server, so its just a switch box more or less.

I am fairly literate and have worked in the IT field for a few years, so dont be afraid to use industry terms and explanations, if I cant understand or follow I will ask. But here is my basic question.

Everything I have read have all dealt with connecting a wireless router to a wired router. Where the standard wired router is the one connected to the ISP and assigning out DNS addresses. Which I can undertand, I didnt have wireless before, I want to expand my network to include wireless, etc. I want to do the OPPOSITE, and wondered if the settings/pitfalls are any different because of that specific configuration? In other words, I have a ADSL modem/router with 4 ports and wireless all in this unit. I moved in with my brother and he has a wall mounted 4 port standard router not in use, but already connected to ethernet cables run through walls, downstairs, etc. currently not in use.

We are getting internet service next week and one of the 4 ports on the back of my ADSL modem/wireless router is known bad. Sooo....I was looking to take one of the other three ports on the ADSL modem and use a cross-connect cable to one of the 4 ports on the back of the wired router and pipe signal to the already wired setup. Is there anything unique or different in the settings I need to be aware of that differs from the standard I want to hook wireless router B into a wired router A?


So you want the internet cable to go into your wireless router and you want to connect to the wired router via an ethernet cable which are connected to other network devices?

If so you will need to get the two routers talking to each other.
You have to make sure both routers are on the same network, eg 192.168.1.x and 192.168.1.y.
You also have to make sure that they don't have the same IP address, disable DHCP on the wired router (this should act as an access point and will not assign IP addresses) and if manually assigning an IP address make sure it is different to any other device, if you had a client pool of 100 you could set it to 100 (i doubt you have 98 other network devices).

Tell us the brands of the routers and ther model number if possible, there maybe easier or specfic steps to follow.

- Let us know how it goes.

You have the right Idea that the wired router will basically be a switch.Now you probably wont need a cross over cable, i've connected linksys routers to one another using straight through.

One thing to consider, if you connect the cable to one of the wired routers switch ports, you bypass any NAT, firewall settings. Now this may be required, unless you can turn off NAT or even turn the external WAN/internet port on the wired router into a switch port. Some routers do have this functionality standard, otherwise there are third party firmwares that allow this: Tomato, dd-wrt.

Ok, thanks! I figured as much. Its not any different, just need both devices on the same network and talking, with the DHCP off on the secondary so no addresses get assigned. I thought so, but wanted to make sure.

To clarify. Yes, I have a combination modem/router device (Netgear DGN2000 i think) that will handle the ISP connection. The wired router that has cables run through the walls, etc is going to be connected to the Netgear and receive IPs and signal from that. More or less acting as a switch. The wired router is a LinkSYS I think, but I have to go home and check.

Well the "service ready" date is slated for this Thursday. I have the secondary wired router set to disable DHCP with a gateway address 1 digit off from the identical gateway address of the router/modem. Subnets matching.

IE. Router/modem xxx.xxx.0.1 secondary router xxx.xxx.0.2, subnet on both

So, nothing left at this point but to wait for service and test it out.


Sorry its been nearly a year and I neglected to ever come back and update. The short answer is, yes it is working great.....on a cable internet connection. I know I wanted to save money and not pay the overcharged prices of cable connection, but my exp with the DSL was just...horrid. To say yesterdays technology is not even accurate. "old ass technology we dont want to have to support or run but because of contractual obligations will still offer but dont whine to us about connectivity strength or signal good luck if it works and call our support center overseas if you like" technology is closer to the truth. I never had the bandwidth advertised or needed to get this setup to run. Several calls to Verizon, 5 service outages later, and constant below dialup bandwidth every day post 5 PM had me calling Comcast in a hurry. Verizon DSL never lasted 2 weeks post activation. Hell they didnt even try to retain me when i called to cancel or sound upset, they infact didnt care and sounded relieved I was "one less DSL customer to deal with so hopefully we can get rid of this crap soon" attitude.

Cable connection (im on the 12/2 plan) works swimmingly with the router to router setup.

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