I have been using this Desk phone modem for my Internet connection on Win Xp. four days ago I upgraded to Win7, now I cannot connect to the Internet! The phone model is Huawei ets 2558, Modem type is TIUSB 3410. Can somebody please help me with a Win7 driver for this modem? My system is a Desktop PIV.

I trust that somebody in the house has an idea of what I should do? and .... the sound is gone too!


Hi Jingda,
It is not a Vodaphone modem, it's a T.I. (Texas Industries or so) modem made for Huawei China (I think). But it could be compatible with the Vodaphone. Let me give it a try and see.
... be back soon.
Thanks for the help all the same.

Huawei Modem is made by an Asian Company, other companies such as Vodafone or Texa Industries only create software to use the huawei modem. Sorry about my mistake earlier, it is vodafone not vodaphone. Try and tell me whether it works. It might, if you are lucky.

Hello Jingda,
I went to the vodafone site but could not locate any modem that is close to my model. The modem type once more is Huawei ets 2558, model TIUSB 3410. If only I could lay my hands on a compatible driver I'll be happy.

Hey, lest I forget, I was able to stumble on a solution to an age old Data Modem problem on the Vodafone site! Thanks to you.
I really appreciate your assistance.


Tell me whether it works. Good luck

Hi jingda,
It did not work at all. I'm still searching. In fact I was forced to buy another data modem for the time being.

Thanks for sharing in my concern.

Have you try searching Texas Industries website for the software. The huawei modem required a software to work so when you change your OS from windows xp to windows 7 a new software to use the modem is required. YOu have to find out who is the software developer for your modem. It can be huawei or T.I. Try going to their websites and search. Best of luck.

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