I am working into the development of a C++ related Phone Management System where the request is to:
- Input information of new subscriber: The program should input a line of data from the keyboard in the following format: <surname> <name> ! <telephone1> <mode> ! <telephone2> <mode> ! ...! <telephoneM> <mode>. The mode field gets values from the set (Y, N), where it describes whether a user’s telephone number is available to all other subscribers or not. The input data line should end with the character Ctrl-D (end-of-file/EOF). The program should store the data as strings (or char strings), without further processing, in an array of strings (or char strings). Assume that the maximum size of an input data line is 80 characters.
I need some help in order to begin as there is a number of functions to develop and my big query is how to handle registration first...