
I have some questions about mac adress:

1) Does ISP wants (use or knows) our router's mac adress?

2) I open my router's admin panel from web browser. It allows me (has an option) to change WAN mac adress but it does not allow (does not have an option) to change the LAN or wirelesmac. Why ? It is not possible to change them too?

3) I changed my laptops wireles and ethernet's mac adress from Windows7. But on the same machine Ubuntu show me my old (default) mac adress for both wireles and ethernet. Why?

4) I can not change my mac adress from here : http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UWPCd2JoP6A/Tf1-MDLWvkI/AAAAAAAAEd0/6VyweP6fBbQ/s1600/Change-Mac-manually.png But mac-changer proggrams can change it. Why? Why windows gives me an option to change it and it does not works...
Also i can not change my mac on Ubuntu. It try every command but it does not works.

I will be very happy if you can help me...

Thank you!

Hi and welcome to daniweb.
1) Yes

2) What router are you using? Is the control panel url

LAN is local area network and can be created using the wireless settings on your laptop not the router thus the router does not have such settings. Wait, i have to confirm this. Will get back to you about this question as soon as possible.

3) You have to change the one on Ubuntu as well.

4) Not sure about it, i have to check on my Windows Laptop first

Hi and welcome to daniweb.
1) Yes

2) What router are you using? Is the control panel url

LAN is local area network and can be created using the wireless settings on your laptop not the router thus the router does not have such settings. Wait, i have to confirm this. Will get back to you about this question as soon as possible.

3) You have to change the one on Ubuntu as well.

4) Not sure about it, i have to check on my Windows Laptop first

First thank you for your interest...

I use tplink router. And yes my admin control panel is The screenshot is not mayn but my panel is the same : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/98/mesafe.jpg/sr=1

Thanks for the information

1) Yes as said before

2) I using a linksys router and is not having any problems. Have you seen this

3) Sorry about this. I never use Ubuntu so i can't help you with that. Try posting in the Linux forum under Hardware adn Software section

4) See these links



I am not able to change on my windows laptop. From what i heard and see from the internet, many people have to change the MAC address using a software. About that i am not sure why.

Thanks for the information

1) Yes as said before

2) I using a linksys router and is not having any problems. Have you seen this

3) Sorry about this. I never use Ubuntu so i can't help you with that. Try posting in the Linux forum under Hardware adn Software section

4) See these links



I am not able to change on my windows laptop. From what i heard and see from the internet, many people have to change the MAC address using a software. About that i am not sure why.

I had read before your link which you gave me ( http://www.tp-link.com/support/showfaq.asp?id=138 ) when i research on the internet. On this link you can see this picture : http://www.tp-link.com/support/pic_faq/2008410152631645.jpg which does not allow to change lan mac. But on the same link this image : http://www.tp-link.com/support/pic_faq/20082290345200.jpg Allows to change WAN mac. I am asking if i can change the LAN (and wireles) mac of router (like we can change WAN mac)?

Thank you again!

I had read before your link which you gave me ( http://www.tp-link.com/support/showfaq.asp?id=138 ) when i research on the internet. On this link you can see this picture : http://www.tp-link.com/support/pic_faq/2008410152631645.jpg which does not allow to change lan mac. But on the same link this image : http://www.tp-link.com/support/pic_faq/20082290345200.jpg Allows to change WAN mac. I am asking if i can change the LAN (and wireles) mac of router (like we can change WAN mac)?

Thank you again!

I think ISP can see our WAN adress (which we can change it from router admin panel), but they don't use router's LAN or Wireles MAC ... Am i right ?

Yup you got that. It depends on your Internet Service Provided to see whether they allow you to change it or not

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