I have installed a Belkin wireless network at home linking a desktop PC running Windows XP and 2 laptops,
a new Sony laptop running Windows XP and my old Sony laptop running Windows 2000 Professional. The
new laptop has a built-in wireless connection. My old one has an Ethernet connection, but I have disabled
this and installed a High Speed Mode Wireless 125 "g" card (F5D7011). The 125 wireless modem router
(F5D7633x4) is connected to the desktop PC.
I am able to get connected to my Tiscali broadband service through the new network from my laptop but,
since installing the wireless card, strange things have happened to my old laptop. Firstly, when I attempt tun
the machine off, I see a message saying "bcmwltry.exe - DLL Initialization Failed : The application failed to
initialize because the window station is shutting down." The machine eventually closes down, but with a
strange noise.
When I turn the machine on it launches to the desktop without the login screen that I had before I installed
the wireless card.
Could you please let me know how this has happened and how to rectify this.