This just started on my computer. When I try to get on the internet, I get the message that firefox proxy server is not allowing the connection. What do I do? I have no clue as to what this means. My computer has always connected before. Is it because I just recently installed a Belkin wireless router?

First, you can run a network diagnosis to get a clue. Also, your router may require some security key to grant you access through it to the internet.

I will try that. How do you run a connection diagnosis? Also, my router is a Belkin. Should I call them and see what to do? Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

No. I still have the same problem. I disconnected the desk top from the router and plugged it back into the modem, and I am still coming up with the same message.

Simply recheck your proxy settings or set them as you set last time.

It was so easy. I opened Internet Explorer, clicked on tools and went to internet options. Then I opened "connections", went to LAN settings and unchecked where it says "use a proxy server on LAN". So easy. I was on the phone with Belkin help support, who kept me on the phone for over one hour to tell me that my Belkin Router was defective. When I called Charter Internet Tech support again, the lady had me do the steps above and fixed my computer right up.

I have another problem. My computer takes about 10 minutes to come on. The green light on my monitor will keep blinking. My computer used to come on right away when I wiggled the mouse. Now it won't. Please help. But make it so I can understand. I am not a computer geek. Thank you.

I have another problem. My computer takes about 10 minutes to come on. The green light on my monitor will keep blinking. My computer used to come on right away when I wiggled the mouse. Now it won't. Please help. But make it so I can understand. I am not a computer geek. Thank you.

Hi mate,
I think, your main drive is so packed to respond. Make it sure that you have less icons on the desktop, it kills the speed very badly.
Make a check that your system is full of how many heavy software and remove the unused.
Update your anti-virus and make a scan of whole system.
IO think, this will help you to overcome the problem.

"f you were able to load websites until you updated Firefox or until your Internet security software was updated, reconfigured or a new one was added, your Internet security software (including firewalls, antivirus programs, anti-spyware programs, and more) is likely preventing Firefox from connecting to the Internet."

Try to repair your LAN. I hope it will work for you.

Thanks for the info. It was really helpful.


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