Okay, this is a long story. Two days ago all the browsers I use stopped working. Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer. I use the internet my university provides for the dorms, and all of my roomates have no problems, so it's not the internet here that is the problem. For whatever reason all the sites I try and visit either get an error message, or are blocked by an internet filter I have (k9 web protection) except for twitter, blackboard, and brain honey (These are programs I need for school, so that's something(Not twitter though, I don't know why that's working)). Something else that works is Steam chat. Steam itself doesn't work, but the chat does, so I can talk to friends on steam (Not like they're much help anyway).
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

all the browsers I use stopped working. Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer.
For whatever reason all the sites I try and visit either get an error message

post the error message from the browsers so we can get an idea of what's happening

It might be a firewall problem (or virus) or your DCHP server may have got turned off and it cant resolve the address of the website. It may also be that for some reason the university is blocking your sue (personnally ) of the internal university network leading to the internet. network.

Hello dear ,
if you internet browser is not working then i suggest you to the Internet Support through the Technical Support, Actually I faced the Problem, my Internet Browser, or google chrome is not working properly, then my friend suggest.

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