Here is my propblem. It's going get to get confusing or at least I'm confused.

This is connected via ethernet to my router (e.g. name: RogerRabbit).
Guest OS: I have an Openfire Server running on a Linx Mint 8 Virtual Machine. The address is XXX.XXX.X.107
Host OS: Windows Vista XXX.XXX.X.106

Desktop connected to RogerRabbit: XXX.XXX.X.103

I can access the web interface for the server by entering the XXX.XXX.X.107 address into the browser.

However, I want XXX.XXX.X.107 t to be accessible to everyone.

On a laptop connected to wifi (e.g. name: RoadRunner) and I try to access XXX.XXX.X.107, it is unreachable.

I have tried changing RogerRabbit router settings (Port forwarding, DMZ), but to no avail. Unless I am doing it wrong.

See, I told you it is confusing. So, I want XXX.XXX.X.107 accessible from any computer.

Any help? It's much appreciated :)

Are all of these computers on a private IP range? If so, there is no reason to not provide the exact IPs. It helps to have the correct info.

Is the laptop the only one having an issue?

Yes they are in the private range. I'm having problems with all computers not connected to the router RogerRabbit.

Would I have to give the VM a public IP? If so, how would I do that within the VM?

So if the computers outside of the subnet need to get access to this site, then your guest VM needs to be exposed to the outside, at least on a specific port. So if you are running web services, I'll assume port 80. In any event, your vim doesn't require a public IP. You can log into your router and configure port forwarding. So what you want to do is map the router's external ip on port 80 to the private IP of the vm on 80 as well. Say for example your router's external it to the internal, --> From outside the subnet you connect to external IP. Your router takes care of the network address translation (NAT). from inside, you connect with the private IP.

If I misunderstood, feel free to upload a network drawing.

For example, Click Here The IP here is .226

I would replace it with .107 and set the Start: 80 End: 80
How would I access it?

Log onto your router. If you do not know the IP address, run IPCONFIG from one of your computers on the internal network. the IP address of the router is your default gateway. You'll need the username and password.

if you have the same router as you showed in the link, navigate to the same menu config. Your configuration is similar but you will specify 80 and 80 for the ports and you apply that to the .107 address.

What this will do is map the public IP on port 80 with the private IP on port 80.

Sorry. I should rephrase the question. My question is how would I access that .107 from any other computer.

http://publicIPAddress/, but only from computers on the public side of the router.

Hmmm...Let's say I have 2 wired connections to the router, my Public IP for both.

I have a laptop wireless connected to the modem (which is connected to the router) with the same Public IP Therefore, on the laptop I cannot access .107?

BTW, thanks for your help so far.

sorry, i'm not following your design. this is why i had recommended a network drawing.

In any case, a typical implementation would be that you have an internet router that connects your private LAN to the Internet. The router would have an external WAN interface and one or more wired interfaces, also built in wifi.

consumer based routers generally do not include the ability to create additional vlans for creating other network segments.

So, in the link you posted, the public IP on port 80 would map to the private IP on the same port.

I'm trying to imagine your design based on your last description but Im not following...sorry about that.

my Public IP for both.


laptop wireless connected to the modem (which is connected to the router) with the same Public IP

OK. Maybe this will make more sense. Click Here

The laptop .12 is connected wirelessly to the cable modem. The modem is also a wireless access point.

So, let's try this one more time. I want to access .107 from the .12 laptop or any other computer not directly connected to the router or the modem.

I added .107 to port forward on the router.

Maybe it's not making sense, cause I'm not fulling understanding it myself. Hope the diagram helps.

Yes, better...

Ok, so your modem sounds like a modem+router combo, (sounds like it since it has wifi and an established subnet for the wireless clients on a private segment) and you have a router as well. There should be a network segment between the router and your modem. My guess is that the network segment is 192.168.1.x/24.

So therefore, your router's external interface (considered "public" facing even though it has a private iP address, also known as "dirty" interface) has an ip in that range, say So, you would log into the router, and create the port forwarding as discussed earlier.

From the laptop you would access the Openfire server (assuming HTTP services on port 80), by opening a web browser and typing, assuming that the IP I am listing here is the correct one. You can get the correct IP by logging into the router and checking the WAN interface configuration.

Sorry for all of the back and forth.. this is not really a complex problem, but it is challanging when you are missing the details.

Hmmm....I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything correctly. However, it's obvious if I was, it would be working.

Just to see if it would better than the previous setup. I connected the modem directly to the desktop with the virtual machine via the one ethernet port of the modem. (No router connected). I have a public IP, but now I can't assign the VM an IP. (The VM is in bridged mode).

Regardless, I'm probably going to go back to the first setup and try to figure out where I am going wrong.

I wish I knew what I was doing wrong!

Thanks for trying though :)

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