Q. 1. Different topologies behave differently when a connection fails. You are required to discuss the effect on the network when only one device connection fails in the following cases..
1.  Seven devices are connected through a ring topology.
2.  Six devices are connected through a dual ring topology.
3.  Four devices are connected through a mesh topology.
4.  Twelve devices are connected through a star topology (Note: Do not consider the hub failure).
5.  Fifteen devices are connected through a star topology and only the hub is failed.
6.  Eight devices are connected through a bus topology.

Note: Your answer for Q.1 should be in the same order as given in the question statements.

Q. 2. Suppose a small company wants to develop a computer network of 18 computers in its main office. Due to limited resources the company wants a network architecture where a single communication medium can be shared among all other nodes. Considering this scenario, you are required to suggest the suitable line configuration and name all the possible ways through which your suggested line configuration can be implemented..


o   Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from Internet, handouts or books.

o   Your answer should be “to the point”.

Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from Internet, handouts or books

sorry we don't do homework ,good luck

Start by drawing diagrams of the interconnection topologies in each case, 1-6. Then answer the question relevant to each topology.

As Caperjack said - we don't do your homework. We will help you, IF you make an honest effort to solve it yourself.

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