I use my wifi home network with 2 mobile phones, 1 iPad, 2 desktops, 2 laptops...
However only one desktop has slow Internet speeds.
I used speedtest.net in iPad and other desktops and it shows 4 Mbps ( my correct speed). But this desktop alone shows 1 or 2 Mbps or even less. I use avg free antivirus. And windows firewall. Full scans show nothing.
What to do?

This doesn't happen all the time. It's more on and off

Worth checking using some software like advanced system care that the slow machine is mean and clean and nt clogged up with old / redundant files etc, likewise registry clean too

If this desktop has a wireless interface, make sure the connection is good. you can easily test this by using the ethernet port and plug it into the router directly. if the speed improves, its your wireless card, if it doesnt, something else on the PC.

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