I'm building a web application for a small office, to run their daily business. The employees will be logged in and working in the system thorugh the whole day.
My client is located in Israel, and I'm shopping for a hosting cloud provider for him to host the application that I'll build
My options is a server in the US, in Europe, and a local one - in Israel. A local provider is far more expensive.
I need to estimsate how much will the location of the server influence the reponsiveness of the system. And need to do it before I actually order the hosting, install the application and can measure it directly.
Is it a problem at all? Is the latency for a server located over the Atlantic generally felt by users and uncomfortable? How about from one side of Europe to another? (3000 Kilometers by air, from Germany to Israel)
Are there common numbers (like: average ping time between these two countries, or geographical regions, is such and such)