i were practical in a private school and my boss ask me to find a free software to manage wireless access point here..

the router is linksys WAP54G

and i want the software which is comfortable with windows or mac .but first priority on windows.

the software can detect which the router were down or up..

n i need the information urgent...


Can you give us more details on exactly what you mean by "manage", please? I'm assuming that you're looking for more functionality than just knowing whether or not the router is in a working state.

Can you give us more details on exactly what you mean by "manage", please? I'm assuming that you're looking for more functionality than just knowing whether or not the router is in a working state.

i need to know whether the access point line are up or not because here got around 60 linksys wireless access point and we can't detect which router are working or not. thats why i need to find the software that can manage all those thing.for the exampale like wi-fi manager software..and finally we need open source software

I honestly don't know of any open source network monitoring packages for the Mac or Windows, although they certainly might exist. The open source tools that I know of run on Linux.

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