Hello my name is Patrick and I have searched the web for two weeks on how to fix my laptop before college i have a gateway laptop and I am using netgear WPN111. originally i started the computer one day and it would connect to AIM and other chat programs but I could only search the internet for about 10 minutes before I couldnt but I still could use AIM. So I did what i thought the problem was i reinstalled windows... no sucess but here comes the worse part i tried a solvent by uninstalling the driver and program et. and i installed it and it wont even reach the internet or aim it says excellent connection but i have no ip address anymore and i tried the cmd netsch winsock reset and nothing i tried renewing it and it says i cannot could somone please help me I would be very much appreciated

Well, make sure your router acts as a DHCP server. Or you could assaign a static adress to your laptop.

thank you and just curious can anyone help me with that

thank you and just curious can anyone help me with that

D'oh! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual)

What I mean by that is if you at least make an effort to find out, you'll realize it isn't very hard at all. At least show that you're trying, and post any error messages or other problems here.

D'oh! RTFM! (Read The Fine Manual)

What I mean by that is if you at least make an effort to find out, you'll realize it isn't very hard at all. At least show that you're trying, and post any error messages or other problems here.

Just ignore him, he doens't like helping people. First go to a web browser and type in the default user name is admin and the password is password. There should be an option about DHCP somewhere, make sure it's on.

To assign a static ip address just right click on your wireless connection. Click on TCP/IP and click properties. Then click use the following ip address and type in something like 192.168.1.x. x being whatever.

Try this and check back.

tan you very much for the help i got to the browsrer treid to type in the password pasword and it is invalid does that mean I changed it at one time?

theres bad news and theres worse news... i tried it on my hoem comp firts and i got stuck at the password screen but i tried it on my laptop and it says no internet connection so i cannot perform this task (computer has comcost laptop netgear) can u please help me with this too im so sorry but thank u so much for th ehelp u have given so far

Just ignore him, he doens't like helping people.

Excuse me?

theres bad news and theres worse news... i tried it on my hoem comp firts and i got stuck at the password screen but i tried it on my laptop and it says no internet connection so i cannot perform this task (computer has comcost laptop netgear) can u please help me with this too im so sorry but thank u so much for th ehelp u have given so far

You may have typed in the wrong IP address. Run "ipconfig" to find out the router's IP address. Make sure you're doing it from a hard-wired connection (not wireless), and make sure that there's a light on the router indicating that you're connected. The password is usually blank or something simple, such as "admin" or "password". Again, check the manual for more details.

thank you soo very much i will try it tomarow but my heart stopped i typed ipconfig/all and for my gateway it said 000f:f00f0fe0f0d00f0 or soemthing liek that and i am completely confused but tomarow i will have to get my laptop and do what u said connect it to hardwire thank you again for all ur help

To further clarify, after running ipconfig, look for the line that says "Default Gateway". It should have an IP address, and so type that into your web browser.

Can you post a solution?
Were you able to connect?

I think everyone is missing the point that RedRivalK might be a casual user ( known by the way he confuses a MAC address for an IP address)
Can you get to the internet with your desktop? If so, then do a clean install of your OS on the laptop (You don't know what has been tinkered with since the last install). The way you described the problem to begin with, I would suspect the router or modem for overheating or just going out (but that wouldn't explain your being able to continue to use IM programs). If all this still fails, try using the command prompt and the ipconfig command. Type the gateway address into the browser like this : and hit the enter key. This should connect you to the router. Depending on your router, there might be no password or username, you have to check with the router manufacturer. I know this is as clear as mud but it's a step in the right direction.

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