I have:
A NTL Cable Broadband set top box (modem)
A Linksys Cable/DSL Router with 8-Port switch, Model No BEFSR81,
A desktop computer
and a laptop

I have connected the router in between the desktop pc and the modem, and the internet works on the pc. However, my laptop cannot find the router, only the ones belonging to my neighbours. When I first set up the router, my laptop recognised it but at a very low signal strength. When I tried to connect to it it stopped and brought me back to the network connections window.

Do anyone know how I can: 1. have my laptop find the router, and 2. eventually get wireless internet on my laptop.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

is the linksys acting as a dhcp server to allocate ips to the pcs connecting to it?
- If yes does the laptop have "Obtain IP address automatically" ticked?
- If not what are the IPs of the PC, laptop and internal ip of the router?

Thanks a lot, i am replying from my laptop!!!

However, the signal strength is still low, between 2 and 6mbps. My laptop is about 10 feet directly above the router. Do you think its just a poor router/ wireless device in laptop, or is there an underlying problem?

It could very well be poor router or wireless card, but try updating the firmware on the router and updating the drivers for the wireless card. EDIT: Also check to see if there is something that could be interfering with the signal... ie cordless phone, microwave electrical products.

With only 10 feet and one floor you should have a good signal.

What we'd advise at work is reset the router completely, and make sure that Windows is controlling wireless on the laptop.

Then scan.

If the signal is weak, either the laptop or router is playing up.

Since the router appears new you could get it tested at the store you bought it from. They'll usually have a network they can test the laptop with.

The router will be covered by a replacement warranty more than likely.

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