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99 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for islander7

Holding in the power button on the tower would work whether it was in Windows or not - although if it didn't work at all then that would point to a definite problem. The yellow standby light means that - assuming the monitor is OK - it is not receiving …

Member Avatar for Robert_65
Member Avatar for motech

Have you tried removing and redetecting the soundcard from the Control Panel? Are you sure that your Soundcard needs the AC97 drivers and not SoundMAX? There are some issues where updating the system can cause them to switch with onboard-based sound systems.

Member Avatar for Saskman
Member Avatar for mxchickmagnet86

System Rstore doesn't put deleted files back! When you say 'deleted' do you mean 'uninstalled'? What exactly did you do (i.e. how did you do it)? What Make and model is your PC?

Member Avatar for فؤاد المخلافي
Member Avatar for ronny22

We sometimes get problems like this with customers who call us at work, but I stress that just because someone has similar symptoms it doesn't means it's the same fault... so this is just some thoughts :) What I usually do (hoping that the customer is going to be able …

Member Avatar for khanna1
Member Avatar for Solid Snake

There's actually a better option than that. If you build your machine, set it up the way you want it including network connections, software, etc., then install disk imaging software, you can make your own recovery disks/partitions which restore back to a more useful configuration rather than just the 'factory …

Member Avatar for solos
Member Avatar for geeman028

Well, you've lost anything on the drive by trying to format anyway, even if it didn't complete. If formatting stops at 3% each time it's pointing strongly at a HDD problem. To be sure, you could run a HDD diagnostic test, but I'd wager you'll likely find that's where the …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ms_lildreamer

If it's any help, I work in tech support for a company which sells a lot of these machines and there is a known issue involving the mobo and PSU (the 'Bestec PSU issue' it is called in the UK). We get hundreds of them a week (typically, I book …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Catweazle

Just to put this into perspective, I've built numerous PCs for myself and others and none of them have ever had problems (yet), and many are older than most bought desktops out there.. It depends on the components and how well you put it together, closely followed by how you …

Member Avatar for hgvdriver
Member Avatar for Dan Wallace

Well, if it works fine in Safe Mode I think you're on the right track waiting for that Windows disk. In Safe Mode you're just running essential or generic drivers and processes and obviously (well, more or less) whatever it is causing the problem isn't running. If you still get …

Member Avatar for Gavin Cruz
Member Avatar for luis2423

It's quite possible that the update to Norton has caused it (we get occasional calls where the machine suddenly becomes unbootable after a Norton update etc.). Just to clarify, the message 'We apologise... etc.' is a standard message telling you that Windows didn't start up properly last time. Each time …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for oldhokie

The usual trick we use is to make sure the machine completely discharges on battery, then fully charge it, then fully discharge it. This supposedly resets the 'fuel gauges'. Does it run on battery at all when you disconnect mains? Does it run on mains only when the battery is …

Member Avatar for Unes
Member Avatar for Klaus_1250

The flashing light on the back is surely telling you there's a PSU problem? It is normally on steady, isn't it? The problem with searching for answers to this sort of problem is that often a lot of people don't consider having to replace the PSU as a solution - …

Member Avatar for cerv
Member Avatar for JAGMAN2333

First thought is that it's not POSTing if it isn't booting from anything.... can it get to the BIOS? Does it make a POST beep (only relevant if you know it ever did make one when it was working)? What happens if you disconnect everything on the outside, then just …

Member Avatar for slothound
Member Avatar for gas55au

When you say you imaged it, do you mean you took an image of Windows on the bad drive and put it on another? If so, surely with bad sectors the installation you took an image from is effectively 'broken', so all you' be doing is copying a broken image …

Member Avatar for samuel_j_n
Member Avatar for ATF
Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for LORENZ27

It doesn't matter that it was working before because it isn't now! Remove the mains cord from the back, take out the battery, and put the mains back in. Try turning it on. Does that light still flash? I suspect it won't, and the brief flash may have just been …

Member Avatar for David Elder
Member Avatar for just_humes

If it used to beep and it doesn't now then it isn't POSTing. Turn it off and unplug EVERYTHING. Leave it for a few minutes then plug the power cord in. Turn it on and see what happens. If it won't POST it is broken and you need to find …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for Dani

The way I do it is as follows (for example): [code]<div style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; border-color:#FFFFFF; border-style:solid" CLASS="divname" onmouseover="style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF';'pointer'" onmouseout="style.backgroundColor=''" onmouseup="somepage.htm"></div>[/code]

Member Avatar for tracedef
Member Avatar for heatherdanger

What is the STOP code it gives on the blue screen? And if the tech people fix it, is there anything your mother might be doing which could explain it? Is it whenever she plugs in or installs a certain external device, for example? You can download RAM and HDD …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Machu1

Well, thumping it is never a good idea, but it does point you in the direction of something being loose or sticking. My first thought was maybe the HDD.

Member Avatar for sancho123
Member Avatar for ross017

I just did a quick search and it appears that this is quite possibly connected with a virus - the Brontok Worm is mentioned.

Member Avatar for nextzone825
Member Avatar for ian_tec234
Member Avatar for Zombiehobo

That usually means a syntax error of some sort. Isn't the format for the print 'function': [code]print ( a string );[/code] (Note the brackets). And you've not got a paired ' in the last one. And there's one in the middle with only one " in it which will need …

Member Avatar for Puckdropper
Member Avatar for JETandrew1

The 8E error points at RAM problems. It's pretty unique for a STOP code in that it [B]only[/B] points at RAM problems when you look it up! So there's a good start. There are a couple of ways to diag it. You don't say which PB model it is, but …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Lord Soth

Surely the complexity has always been there. It's just awareness and understanding of it that has changed, resulting in being able to use it in different - and far more useful - ways?

Member Avatar for SnowDog
Member Avatar for Don Gino

You don't actually need any. If your web server can handle PHP, all you need is a text editor and as long as you can upload files it will work. I use this editor: [URL][/URL] If you want to run PHP files locally then you need to install PHP and …

Member Avatar for Don Gino
Member Avatar for Loopy
Member Avatar for Rapachooie

I can't find any reference to 2-6 beeps as you described. Mixing and matching throws up 2 beeps (memory), 8 beeps (video RAM), 2-3-3 (memory again), 6 beeps (mobo fault or keyboard controller (same thing) fault). This is looking at all codes, and not just one BIOS type. Do you …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for oculus

I don't know if your machine is a branded model or a self build, but.... In our call centre we get a lot of problems with machines which either turn off (or are turned off) and then won't turn back on again. We have the customer remove all cables, then …

Member Avatar for sg18sg18
Member Avatar for wingsty

I know it isn't exactly what you had in mind, but you CAN use your MP3 player in the car quite easily. I'm not sure where you are, but: [URL][/URL] These have been around in the US for years. I use the Audiax, having tried a homemade stereo FM transmitter …

Member Avatar for The Dude

The End.