I browse around here sometimes and think you folks are terrific. But I have to ask if maybe someone can help me on this. :confused:
This is the 3rd time this has happened on 2 different drives.
I just bought a Western Digital 250gb in December, used it almost 2 months to the day and suddenly it wouldn't boot. The Win XP installation disk seemed like it was repairing the installation, and could see the drive, but after a number of attempts, I just reformatted it, and put all the software back on it. It worked perfectly for 2 months before it went down again.
At that point it went back to WD for a replacement. I formatted the replacment drive, put all my stuff back on it, and was just thinking last night, that it's been about two months although I haven't used that PC nearly as much lately.
Wouldn't you know it. This morning exactly the same thing. It's down again, Windows can't repair it, and I am looking at another reformat and reinstalling all the files.
I don't know why #2 has now failed, and does anyone have an idea as to how I might get that boot sector straightened out so I won't have to obliterate the files again? The XP installation disk sees the sub-dirs, and files, fixboot doesn't help.
ATF :)