Help! My emachine is dead. I mean really dead. It will not do anything! When I plug it in, I do see one green light on the MB, and an almost inaudible (decreasing)whine. That is all.
I emailed the emachines support, but they were little help. They kept telling me to do POST, which is impossible at this point. They told me to rekove and reseat all connections, and cards, which I did. I have tried restarting, replugging, changing cords, and still, nothing. Husband used his meter on a few points, and there is life there, but nothing is working, with exception of that little bitty light on the motherboard!
The emachines tech guys said it was probably either my motherboard or my power supply. I am not afraid to install either one myself, but I must be sure which one is bad. Help Me!!!!
It is a 2 year old emachines W2888, running XP, nothing fancy.The power supply is only a 250. If I put in a new one, the emachines site suggests a 350.
Also, I have read that if I do not get their parts, my recovery disks will not work. Anybody have any experience with this??

Thanks for any input!


They are correct about installing a 350 watt power supply, if you are replacing a power supply never install a lower wattage. But the fact that they told you that it would not work with the recovery disk is somewhat suspicious since the power supply doesnt really communicate with the BIOS and there would be no way for the computer to determine what type/brand of power supply you have.

They are correct about installing a 350 watt power supply, if you are replacing a power supply never install a lower wattage. But the fact that they told you that it would not work with the recovery disk is somewhat suspicious since the power supply doesnt really communicate with the BIOS and there would be no way for the computer to determine what type/brand of power supply you have.

Oops! Sometimes I think one thing and type something else. I meant to say that they also think my MB is bad, and I had read that if I used a new MB, my recovery disks would not work, and I would have to get an new copy of XP.
I have chickened out on doing the job myself. Took it in to a reputable shop. The guy there said even the MB would not make a difference, since I own the XP, and am putting it back on the same computer. I did find out that my power supply is at least working, but not sure how well. He says might be a short in the MB, since I am at least seeing that one little light! I will find out for sure before I pay too much for repair!

Well one thing you could do to test and rule out the power supply is to take it back to that shop and have them try it in another computer. They should do this for free unless they are really mean, it literally takes 2 minutes. Or if you have a second computer at home and you know someone who is fairly knowledgeable I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem. However, the motherboard is a bit more work and will cost you a bit of money as you aluded to so you might also have the shop test the motherboard also though that is a bit more extensive and may cost you a little money.
There are a lot of people here more knowledgeable than myself so be sure to keep supplying information and I'm sure others can help you. I hope I helped atleast a little.

Well one thing you could do to test and rule out the power supply is to take it back to that shop and have them try it in another computer. They should do this for free unless they are really mean, it literally takes 2 minutes. Or if you have a second computer at home and you know someone who is fairly knowledgeable I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem. However, the motherboard is a bit more work and will cost you a bit of money as you aluded to so you might also have the shop test the motherboard also though that is a bit more extensive and may cost you a little money.
There are a lot of people here more knowledgeable than myself so be sure to keep supplying information and I'm sure others can help you. I hope I helped atleast a little.

Have already turned the problem over to the shop. It is a one-man shop, in a small town, but I have heard nothing but good about this guy. He is not to do anything until he asks me first. And if it is too costly, I may give up and buy a new computer, not that I really want to! I really appreciate your help, anyway.
And I will let you know the outcome!

Well one thing you could do to test and rule out the power supply is to take it back to that shop and have them try it in another computer. They should do this for free unless they are really mean, it literally takes 2 minutes. Or if you have a second computer at home and you know someone who is fairly knowledgeable I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem. However, the motherboard is a bit more work and will cost you a bit of money as you aluded to so you might also have the shop test the motherboard also though that is a bit more extensive and may cost you a little money.
There are a lot of people here more knowledgeable than myself so be sure to keep supplying information and I'm sure others can help you. I hope I helped atleast a little.

I got my emachine back from the shop on Friday. His verdict was that my power supply AND motherboard were both gone. In fact the MB showed a lot of leakage. To me, it seems strange that it quit so suddenly, without a lot of problem. But maybe I am wrong. It did take it only 24 hours to go from not starting easy to nothing at all.
Anyway, I may eventually buy parts and rebuild it for someone else,or use parts of it on another, but I am shopping around for a new machine. At least I have a good monitor!
Shawn, thanks a lot for trying to help!


I to have the W2888 and I was very happy with it until a week ago, same thing happened to me, only that little green light would go on nothing else, come to find out that my motherboard was fried, I'm really up set about it because its only 2 years old, so now emachines is telling me that i can buy their replacement motherboard for $175 and I will loose everything on my hard drive which i cant believe because I have so much stuff on it, shame on emachines! they wont even give a discount on another computer so I think i might go with something else.

I to have the W2888 and I was very happy with it until a week ago, same thing happened to me, only that little green light would go on nothing else, come to find out that my motherboard was fried, I'm really up set about it because its only 2 years old, so now emachines is telling me that i can buy their replacement motherboard for $175 and I will loose everything on my hard drive which i cant believe because I have so much stuff on it, shame on emachines! they wont even give a discount on another computer so I think i might go with something else.

I have recently bought an hp. I have lost my faith in emachines, but may try to buy parts from ebay or somewhere and fix it, just a s a project to see if I can. I plan to add the hard drive to my hp just long enough to move some files, but can't leave it in, since the hp has no extra bay for a second hard drive. I had planned to get a Dell, but was talked out of them by a friend who has had a LOT of trouble with one. The hp seems ok so far!

If it's any help, I work in tech support for a company which sells a lot of these machines and there is a known issue involving the mobo and PSU (the 'Bestec PSU issue' it is called in the UK). We get hundreds of them a week (typically, I book a dozen myself, and we have around a 1,000 call handlers). We're gradually replacing faulty parts with alternative mobos and PSUs as faults occur.

It seems to be mostly with machines with model numbers ending in '20' but any eMachine is game where I am.

If we get anyone with power problems like these we send out an engineer with a PSU and mobo automatically. Most times people just turn their machines on and nothing happens, but I had one last week where there was a rapid progression from crashing, blue screens, not booting to Windows, just a green LED, then nothing at all.

There's also the possibility it has taken your keyboard out as well (usually the PS/2 ones).

Thanks for your post! YES your right it did take out my Keyboard, and it was a new one I bought separately from the one that came with my computer, I emailed emachines several times and even called them and they wont do anything about it, not even a discount on another one, I guess thats why we should get those extended warrantees, so now I'm thinking of buying one of those bare bone systems at but the problem is I have no idea how to get microsoft to give me a replacement key so dont have to buy windows xp again, I dont think its fair that I would have to buy it when I already own a copy of it I went on the microsoft support website but there are so many links i dont know which one to email.....well thanks again!

In my experience, all you do is phone the number Windows gives you during the first run/out-of-box-experience pages.

You should already have the key somewhere if you have an eMachine (stuck to the side or bottom of your machine). eMachines are supplied with recovery CDs, although substitute mobos are being fitted on many because the originals are no longer available and these are supplied with a new set of CDs when we fit them.

I'm having one heckova time with one of these myself. Unit is only 2 years old and totally dead except for the green LED next to the proc socket.
In doing a web search for a replacement board, I could find only one supplier, out of California. I paid $109 with free shipping. Received the board and it would not POST either. Called and got an RMA to swap the board. This has been going on since 5 Sept. Today, I received board #3 and guess what, it will not POST either. Have opened a dispute on PayPal to try and recover my money.
eMachines should make ammends to customers for this obvious defective product. I'm a computer tech and this is the first time I've run into such a problem box.
Personally, I build my own boxes and custom build for friends and family. I would never consider buying an eMachines or any other mass produced brand you find packaged in discount stores. Yes, mine could go bad, but I have units still running for over 5 years now with no problems.

To be honest, in spite of this particular issue I'd have to put eMachines pretty high up the list of reliability when compared with other manufacturers. Not at the top, but nowhere near the bottom.

This is a specific issue that eMachines may yet have to deal with. But in other ways they're pretty good machines.

I'm surprised they're only sending out the mobo, though. If the PSU is causing the problem it'll just take every new mobo out. By now, it would have been more cost effective for them to have just done the mobo and PSU in the first place. To the best of my knowledge, they should be using substituted parts and is is BOTH components in the original machines that are faulty.

I to have the W2888 and I was very happy with it until a week ago, same thing happened to me, only that little green light would go on nothing else, come to find out that my motherboard was fried, I'm really up set about it because its only 2 years old, so now emachines is telling me that i can buy their replacement motherboard for $175 and I will loose everything on my hard drive which i cant believe because I have so much stuff on it, shame on emachines! they wont even give a discount on another computer so I think i might go with something else.

i can't imagine why u would lose everthing on your hd. i have taken
lots of drives out of different machines that have gone bad and installed on different systems. Nothing was lost......

That's a good point. In none of the cases I've dealt with has the HDD been taken out. Once the mobo and PSU are replaced (sometimes followed by the keyboard) the machine works again.

But as I said, if they use a substituted mobo then it needs new drivers if the machine is going to be expected to work properly, and that means a full recovery - especially when you consider the state many peoples machine are probably in as far as the Windows installation is concerned!

I came across several emachines dead after their warranty ealpsed.
I think it,s bad manufacture and emachines should be sued.
I have seen machines over 10yrs still running with no problems, but this is a mass problem which should have been dtected long time ago , and replacement should have beendone.
There is no excuse, although emachine have been known for shoddy products, they just appear with worse one,s when they are assuring people that their products are better and people are believing.
There nothing worse than a dead computer, whether it is the cpu, hard drive, motherboard, powerunit or even the memory.
It cost that much to ascertain the problem and of their technical support cost money.
I sugest any who thinks of repairing any emachine to forget and buy another computer, this not emachine.

Help! My emachine is dead. I mean really dead. It will not do anything! When I plug it in, I do see one green light on the MB, and an almost inaudible (decreasing)whine. That is all.
I emailed the emachines support, but they were little help. They kept telling me to do POST, which is impossible at this point. They told me to rekove and reseat all connections, and cards, which I did. I have tried restarting, replugging, changing cords, and still, nothing. Husband used his meter on a few points, and there is life there, but nothing is working, with exception of that little bitty light on the motherboard!
The emachines tech guys said it was probably either my motherboard or my power supply. I am not afraid to install either one myself, but I must be sure which one is bad. Help Me!!!!
It is a 2 year old emachines W2888, running XP, nothing fancy.The power supply is only a 250. If I put in a new one, the emachines site suggests a 350.
Also, I have read that if I do not get their parts, my recovery disks will not work. Anybody have any experience with this??

Thanks for any input!


I have four Emachines with bad PS & MB. Just got in my fifth one. I have contacted Gateway & they are no help. From what I have read, the PS goes bad & burns out the MB. this is from one supplier. Bestec.

Bob Booker
Cheap Computes

hi all got an emachine w2888 about 2 years old turned it off night before last nothing special. went to turn it on the next day and nothing but a green light on the motherboard do they usually crap out like that ? or should there have been some signs?

That has been my experience. At least one of the PS smelled burnt. I have five dead emachines under my work bench.

Bob Booker
Cheap Computers

swapped out power supply into this one no responce

put this power supply in emachine still nothing does that mean that both the motherboard and powersupply are shot

if so what am i looking at how do i find the specs i need to replace crapped out part or should i just scavage the good parts and move on?

These motherboard issues are many times not associated with any particular computer manufacturer. The problem is "usually" associated with the capicitors that these computer "assemblers" contracted to have installed on them. Funny thing, I have a Dell PC here that has bad caps on, brown dust on top and bulging on the tops. That same lady brought me an old Emachine that doesn't work. I saw that this one has bad caps as well after testing the power supplies on both to be OK and when you Google the part # ... E210882, you will see also included in the search " Dell" !!!
Dell lost $300,000,000 (MILLION DOLLARS) replacing bad motherboards due to this problem and there are a lot of other companies that have the same problem.
I have had 2 Lenovo towers with the same problem!! These were under waranty and they didn't even blink! They just replaced tehm at no cost.
After replacing motherboards on 2 of our Dell Mini desktops at $100 apiece, another one died with the same problem, I won't be fixing this one, too old. I read a forum about 1 fellow that had 28 Dell motherboards go on him. I am not singling out Dell, they just happen to be the name I saw while researching this problem.
Look at the capacitors next to the CPU, the tops will be slightly rounded up and you may see what appears to be brown dust or fuzz on them.

Hi 1r1sh,
This is a very old thread (May 3rd 2008) I don't think assistance is still needed by this OP.

my emachine is totally dead.It won't even after power button is pushed come on.could it be my power supply is burnt out??

If your PSU has blown then you probably have very few if any working parts left in your Emachine. Emachine have had a serious problem for many many years and wont do anything to prevent this as they make a lot of money charging extortionate amounts for repairs. Emachines are extremely cheaply made with the lowest of the low components.
The bin is the best place for it now.

I have personally diagnosed several dead Emachines. Most put more than 50volts through the 12volt rail killing just about every component including hard drive and dvd rom!

If you are lucky, you CPU may have survived, but that's about it.

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