Hi guys I'm new to all this networking business so this is from the bottom up.
I plan to set up a on site photographic printing unit and want to network 1 main computer with 3 or 4 viewing screens which will be mouse only for people to view thier photos.
There will be 2 die sub printers and 1 inkjet linked to the main base station and I would like someone to tell me how to go about setting it up.
Do I need to set up a server to supply the viewing screens or can I link the main unit to the others via cable.
I plan to power the main unit via it's own UPS and the others via a seperate UPS
This unit will be self sufficent with no acess to the web or outside world.
As this is a new venture to me I need to keep the cost to a minimum to make sure it will work, if it does then I will upgrade at a later date.
If anybody can help me sort this out in the most user friendly way, ;) could you keep the tech talk to a minimum.

Thanks in advance

you'll need a terminal server and dumb terminals for the viewing of pictures. in windows you'd need licenses, they'r not worth it, but you could setup a linux terminal server and have either dumb terminals, or really old computers to remote into the server, if it's just for viewing it should be ok.

so here's your setup

Linux Terminal server hooked up to UPS and printers.
3 or 4 computers taht remote in the server for viewing(if you want toprint you'll need CUPS).
iF you have any questions, post back

you'll need a terminal server and dumb terminals for the viewing of pictures. in windows you'd need licenses, they'r not worth it, but you could setup a linux terminal server and have either dumb terminals, or really old computers to remote into the server, if it's just for viewing it should be ok.

so here's your setup

Linux Terminal server hooked up to UPS and printers.
3 or 4 computers taht remote in the server for viewing(if you want toprint you'll need CUPS).
iF you have any questions, post back

Thanks for the info. Can you tell me if I can set it up through XP as a network or will I have to go via a server?
May seem a bit dumb but as I said ,I'm realy new to this.:o

you will have to go via a server with terminal services. it can't be xp, but it can be windows server 2003, and it's really expensive. my advice is go with linux. let me research this and i'll get back to you.

ok, so you will need linux installed on all of your machines. i recommend ubuntu. www.ubuntu.com
and once that's done install the server software and client like it describes on this page.
keep in mind your server needs to have high system specs, like 2-4GB of ram, dual core processors(if possible), and 100mbps nic. your terminals can be pentium II 300's with 128MB of ram. they only need to run, they don't need to run good because the server will do that.

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