
I am a consultant performing a groupwise migration to exchange. In order for me to do this i need to have access to the groupwise snapin for Netware Admin( ConsoleOne doesnt give me access to everything i need to configure to my knowledge if i am wrong please let me know.)

In any event this is on a completely unadministered novell server( no net admin or IT group supporting this environment )

From what i can tell all i need is the GWADMA32.DLL to throw into the snapins folder in the NWADMIN folder.

Can someone point me in the right location where i can get this snapin dll...

The Novell and groupwise disks are absolutely missing and not available so i do not have any conventional means of loading this snapin. That being said i have to kinda pull some dirty hacks to get this migration done( yeah i have to try and get it done tonight ).

Thank you in advance.

So do I.
I have the same problem.
Could Someone help us?
Migration from Groupwise to Exchange

Dude, whats your email? I'll send it to you. I remember this post.. worst migration i ever had to do.

So do I.
I have the same problem.
Could Someone help us?
Migration from Groupwise to Exchange

Can you please also send me the GWADMB.DLL to my personal email address burat69@hotmail.com.



Dude, whats your email? I'll send it to you. I remember this post.. worst migration i ever had to do.

Argh! Please, please send me gwadma32.dll and GWADMB.DLL . I'm dead in the water without it. Ditto your comments.


Dude, whats your email? I'll send it to you. I remember this post.. worst migration i ever had to do.

Can you please also send to me? Oh, and also, where do I put them? In the \public\win32\snapins folder? Do I have to do anything to "install" them or just copy them there? Thanks!


Can someone e-mail me te DLL files to, you can mail me at wintersa@xs4all.nl

Thanks in Advance.

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