PC: Hewlett Packard, m1090n Media Center
OS: Microsoft XP Professional
Modem Type: Black Ambit Modem
Normally, I use a usb connection from my modem to my computer. However, I am trying to setup a wireless network in my house and therefore need a direct ethernet connection from my computer to my modem.
I am aware of the power cycling process, that is not my issue. After the power cycling process and switching connections from usb, to ethernet repeatedly flashes "A network cable is unplugged". What appears to be happening is my connection is attempting to get an IP address and it keeps getting cut-off, a red "x" appears over the connection every 3 seconds, or so.
After viewing this event, I take a look at the back of my mintower, in which a various display of indicator lights exist. My ethernet port light is blinking orange and then green, repeatedly. If someone could help me with this issue, I would seriously appreciate it.