This problem began recently. It says I am connected to a wireless connection, but every website I try to access, it says: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." Firefox says: "Server not found." My roomate uses the same wireless connection and his works fine. I cannot ping any websites. I do not have Norton either.

looks you r not connected at all

do you have dns access ?

"What we got here is, a FAILURE, to communicate..."
Boss Hog, "Cool Hand Luke" 1967

1. you are connected. to your router
2. you are not connected. to the internet. (maybe)
3. Reset the modem and the router, in that order.
4. Wait for Network Cable Not Found to go away.
5. R-Click and Repair your wireless connection.
6. goto START->Run...->type "cmd" and click OK button.
7. type "ipconfig" to check TCP/IP settings.
(should be something like 192.168.*.*, 172.168.*.*, 10.0.0.*, etc...)
8. Type "ping" and press eNTeR.
9. If you a get 4 sent and 4 recvd. message at the end, you are online, try to open your web browser.

If Not...

try "PING" + whatever your default gateway was from earlier. (IPCONFIG) what happens?
either way. you have a Router/OS issue
and we will need more info.

commented: doesn't work +0

hi sir/madam just follow this two steps:

1.You need to do some browser settings like-open your internet explorer, then click on tools-internet options-click on delete-cookies,delete-files,then click on connection tab -under that never dial a connection radio box should be checked only and, then on the right hand bottom corner click on lan settings tab in this not a single box should be checked .it should work

2.if still not work -then under wireless network connection ypu need to remove the prefered network and then try to connect your wireless connection and then check in dos command ping or ping or try to ping your dns numbers.

thanxs plz try this it should work otherwise i have some other options.
plz try this best of luck

I'm almost glad to see someone having the same trouble as i am, but my problem goes a little deeper than this.

One of my computers on my network decided it wanted to do the 'network cable unplugged' routine...

I fixed that, but then it whent into a fit and i had "limited or no connectivity" so after messing around checking all settings and trying to make a new network connection, turning off modem/router etc, checking all firewall and net connection settings, I finaly managed to get a "connected" message.

so, there i am, mildly relieved, open a browser and "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." Firefox says: "Server not found."

Every single programme, be it yahoo msgr, mozila, ie, or one of several mmorpgs will not and can not connect to a connected service.

so ran through everything again, firewall ok, network connection ok, rebooted, net connection still says connected, but again, no programe able to connect to net...

oh btw, i'm on broadband.

The trojan remover did the trick for me. This thing is nasty. It blocked fresh installs of Norton from updating it's virus database along with AVG. Windows update did not work either.

check your ip address, firewall settings,

Check the post date :icon_rolleyes:

This problem began recently. It says I am connected to a wireless connection, but every website I try to access, it says: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." Firefox says: "Server not found." My roomate uses the same wireless connection and his works fine. I cannot ping any websites. I do not have Norton either.

Check you MTU Value set it to 1464 It should work...

Check you MTU Value set it to 1464 It should work...

Check the post date :icon_rolleyes:

have you check the setting network maybe the is not well configure

have you check the setting network maybe the is not well configure

Check the post date :icon_rolleyes:

why does ican't access into any website even with the internet?

why does i can't access into any website even with the internet?
how to access to the internet when my administrator disable m,y connection?

why does i can't access into any website even with the internet?
how to access to the internet when my administrator disable m,y connection?

Please start your own thread. Explain who the administrator is.

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