Hi Guys
I am Paul and I am trying to copy the AD from my old w2k server (which will then be taken out of service) and to place it on my new WS2K3 server.

I also wish to set the new server up as per the old one, ie same domian, same pathways etc (we use roaming profiles), do you envisage any difficulties with this?

I eagerly await any replies as my hair is thinning quickly on this :-)


I know that you can do this between two 2003 servers using a wizard, maybe it will be possible for the wizard to work between a win2k and 2003 server then?

Thanks for that, do you happen to know which wizzard that is??

Its in the "set up your server" thing that pops up when you start windows server 2003 for the first time

it shouldn't be hard, just setup every thing as it was on the old server.

Thanks Guys
The only problem is I still cannot get my old server to give me a full copy of active directory.
If I try to copy it from the system folder it says it can't be copied...
I know this is basic and really easy, but I am missing something here lol.

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