We have a small school network. I can ping my laptop from another machine, but can't map a share on my machine from elsewhere on the network. When I try I get a strange message that there is "no network." All the other computers can see each other's shares without a problem. I know there are probably lots of causes for this, but I'm just looking for suggestions about where to start.


I would first check the privacy level setting of the laptop's firewall.

Then I'd inspect the SHARE settings on the laptop.

Next I would check for overlapping firewalls.

All the while bearing in mind that Windows frequently doesn't refresh network access until rebooted.

Thanks for your help. I don't know if it's overlapping firewalls, but I turned off the windows firewall and made an immediate connection. This is not my own computer, but one that is part of work and I was the second owner. I couldn't find anything that appeared to be a firewall, but now that I know that turning off the windows one did the job, I am going to poke around. If I find something I'll let you know.

Thanks again for your time and suggestions!

-- Tim

I was the firewall. I disabeled the Windows version and tried the free PCTools one. I tweaked some settings, and now everything is working fine.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

-- Tim

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