Hi All,

I have a problem with Limewire using a considerable amount of bandwidth on the network at work (100 computers). I have tried asking the users not to use Limewire. I would like to block a port or ports. As the company does have laptops that are not protected by group policies but have lime.exe on them.



no as some ISPs try and block the limewire ports / traffic so it has an option to enctrypt it, and use random ports

as the admin you should block the program it self, blocking port will not fix the issue you might end up blocking ports that are to be used by other application you can also set up a proxy server that blocks access for limewire.

PS how do you allow employees to run such a program in the first place on a work network you are setting up yourself for hacking, virus, spyware and adware on your network. you need to implement tighter security. IS THIS PROGRAM REQUIRED FOR WORK?

he cant block it as no local security policy

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