
I have 2 Windows 2003 DNS servers. While trying to access amazon.com, the images won't load. While google'g it appears a lot of folks raised question about this issue.

Images for amazon is hosted with ecx.images-amazon.com and g-ecx.images-amazon.com. It could be dynamic too and I am not sure. My DNS servers resolve to almost all known address, but won't resolve to this two thus not loading images.

Any ideas will be highly appreciated.


does it resolve using any other external DNS? if it does, you can put that DNS in your DNS forward list


Thanks very much for the reply.

I use root hints and forwarders tab has all other DNS domain in the setup page. One of my domain controllers also a DNS server in a secondary site resolve amazon.com. Could I place the ip address of that domain controller in the forward list?

Could you advice the ideal solution for this?


yes, you can place any freely accessed and available DNS server as your forward.

Windows cannot connect to the domain, either because the domain controller is down or otherwise unavailable or because your computer account was not found

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