Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   BlueScreen
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033

Additional information about the problem:
  BCCode:   50
  BCP1: FFFFF8807B632980
  BCP2: 0000000000000001
  BCP3: FFFFFA8004D892E6
  BCP4: 0000000000000005
  OS Version:   6_1_7601
  Service Pack: 1_0
  Product:  768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

That is the message it keeps giving me. Any help on how to fix would be appreciated.

If you want to analyze the dump, download mini-dump viewer. Microsoft has a tool, but there are third party apps as well.

Have you recently installed any software/drivers that started causing this issue?

I think it was the microsoft update. I did a restore to a previous date and defrag and it is working now (knock on wood).

It happens. good to hear that the system restore solved your problem. Before you try to apply updates again, make sure that you have a good system restore point, then apply the updates one at a time until you come across this issue. If you find a particular update that causes this issue, then look into the details of the update. Determine if you really need the update and next steps for getting the update installed without causing additional issues.

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