I have been trying to get this computer running for months for my class in PC fundamentals but I can't even get it to boot. I tried only using the power supply motherboard and graphics card and still nothing. I have reset the cmos battery as well. I do not have a
By testing equipment or spare parts to swithch in and out. ID there any one that might be able to help with this

Does it POST?

A POST (Power on System Test) being a test run when the computer first turns on to check for any critical issues. It should beep if there are issues, such as:

Long, Short, Short, Short, Long

These beeps are designed to notify you of any errors, without the need for a GPU.

Do the fans run and/or lights turn on?

the fan runs but the lights do not turn on

the lights were working before. I reconnected everything and now then lights don't work

Ok, are these lights on the motherboard or in a case/other component?

Start building it one by one, preferably with a speaker attached (some mobos have them built in, some don't). This will allow you to here for the POST.

Once you get an error code, look it up and it should tell you the issue, whether it be the RAM, the CPU etc.

a failing power supply[not completely dead ,just failing ] can cause this .

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