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Hi guys

I was fixing a computer in the house the other day running windows 8.1, the problem was it loaded up to the windows logo and just stayed there idenfinatly, I asked my Dad what he had recently done on the computer and he said he had run a registry cleaner program (so i assumed it had removed a critical component from the windows registry). So I put in the windows 8.1 dvd and tried a OS repair but it failed with an error so next I tried a system restore and that failed too with and error, After messing around with it for a bit I got tired of the problem and decided I would just reformat the machine and start fresh. After reformating the computer everything was running fine but I noticed the machine was running a little slow and would slow right down when trying to open a program, I restarted the computer though and it seemed to be okay so I dismissed it as nothing to worry about. After a couple of days though the computer back to starting up and going to the windows logo and it sits there indefinatly again. So i know its nothing related to the OS now but I was wondering what could cause this problem, could a hardware component be failing and if so which is most likely to be doing so?

Hi ChargrO,

Hardware could certainly be at the root of the problem, especially given that you've already done a full reformat/reinstall.
On the other hand though- if your Dad installed/reinstalled any programs after you did the full OS reinstall, he might well have reintroduced a software-related problem.

If you can, please give us as many details about the problem as possible (the system's hardware/software specs, the full and exact text of any error messages that you've received, etc.), OK?
Basically- the more information that you can give us up front, the faster we can help you resolve the problem.

Member Avatar for ChargrO

Don't worry I solved the problem. Turned out to be a dying hard driver.

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