# How to be a good programmer - Tips and Tricks #
Here I am writting few tips and tricks by following them you could be a good programmer, I just want to clear one thing that I am not a good programmer but I'm just trying to become a good programmer. I am just sharing what I do ?
## Make your mind logical: ##
Yet this is very important you have to prepare your mind to do impossible thinks, and always try to different ways to solve a same problem. If you think that your work/programming is Okay, than you can never be a good programmer. Guy ! Juts try to make/solved your program/work with different and optimized way. So juts make yourself creative and logical.
## Do propper commenting on your code ##
yes! always leave a comment or do proper documentation of your code whatever you have to code. This habbit will be helpful to you and other if you again edit or optimize your code.
## Do proper alignment: ##
Write code in a proper alignment, giving you an example:
void sampleFunction(void)
printf("Message 1.");
printf("Message 2.");
## Identifiers Must be Meaningful and Desciptive: ##
The identifiers and those things which are defined by yourself to identify some thing, for example if you are declaring a variable to store student's age : the correct forms for variable names are : student_age studentAge StudentAge std_age stdAge
# Here are lot of example by following them you could become a successfull and good programmer #