I'm not that new to computers.
I know couple scripting languages (web, JavaScript, C#, C++).
I know hardware terms. I had a taste of Mint, Ubuntu and others.
I'm not a super-newbie, I understand how arguments work and
on which base are they executed. I don't know bash.
But I'd like to learn Linux hands-on. So that when "This Awesome Company"
releases alpha version of their "Awesome Software" for Linux. That I will
know how to install it properly, and if something goes wrong just repair
it myself instead of just crying out for help.
That whenever I'd like operating system to do something, instead of Googling
"how to make Linux yawn", I'll know command to it and execute it.

How do I say it otherwise. Does anybody know a book that would help me
become self-sufficient in usage of Linux (desktop enviroments,
internal functions and terminals)? Something that would allow me after
some time with easy Linux Arch installation, or even creation of own
LSF distro. A book that could lean me some knowledge to the point,
where Linux errors, unclear instructions, advanced operations,
extreme modifications or some really weird hybrid applications
and others would become no problem. Simple way, a book
that would turn Linux newbie, into Linux beginner, and from
there I'll work my way and make my experience.
The way I'm accustomed to Windows right now.

Preferably an e-book, and also free.
But I'm willing to pay a good price, for a good book.

Is the LSF or LFS? (Linux From Scratch.)

Anyhow as each major distro has it's own install methods that the Awesome Company can use or ignore, as it stands today there is no such book. It's the WWW (wild wild west.) I sincerely hope that the Awesome Company would add their apps in the software center for the distro they targeted.

http://askubuntu.com/questions/307280/how-do-i-install-applications-in-ubuntu shows no less than 3 ways to install an app. And that's for just one distro! I hope you see there is no such book that would cover "Linux."

Can you share why the aversion to using Google to answer your question when the need arises?

Is the LSF or LFS? (Linux From Scratch.)

Yes, that.

Can you share why the aversion to using Google to answer your question when the need arises?

Before I knew what I was doing with Windows, I took a really long time to answer them. And I learned them through books and practice. Now I spare a lot of time and it also gives a sign of self-satisfaction when you solve your own problems. It's not like I hate Googling, it just could be faster, and I'd like to be able to do things without being stuck to Google. Ultimately not every answer is answered by everything that Google has cached. But with enough knowledge I could answer questions that haven't been yet asked.


Anyhow. What would you recommend me in my position?

I think I gave you my current thought on this. There are books on Linux and sometime about 2010 I stopped buying books since I was getting what I needed from Google. We also have Google Scholar if you want another way to search.

There are also "Docs" for most major Linux systems. Example: https://help.ubuntu.com/
I see the PDF and more there.

The reason you won't find a book (at least none I'd buy) is that for each distro, and then for major versions it may not apply and send you down the sewer or rabbit hole.

But let's see what you can get besides that. Here's a sip from the firehose: http://www.tldp.org/guides.html

Every major distribution has a section of documentation called How-Tos or FAQs. They also have user forums which are great for getting questions answered like you will have. Then there are the Linux Forums (www.linuxforums.org) which is full of helpful posts on most distributions plus other stuff (networking, programming-scripting, etc).

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