I have changed from a previous 1TB disk from Toshiba to a 500 MB SSD from SAMSUNG. I have generated a full image backup, and after with a bootable pen I have tryed to restore the new 500 disk with it. Immediatly at the begining systems generats an error and aborts process. Was it because the disks have different lenghts? Or because disks are diferent types?
I have solved the problem with a a bootable pen that restores the disk as it was previously when I bought the Toshiba satellite PC. This is a SW included in the Toshiba PC.
But then I have to download and installed all SW that I had on the HDD disk. This take me more or less one and a half day of working.
Why the image backup process fails?

Thanks for your help. It seems to me a good way.
But why Image backup from windows does not work?

Another question that probably you know. The old and now the new one have 3 more partitions not referred as disk. One is the recovery partition and another the EFI assotiated. Last is the EFI associated to the C disk. Do I need the EFI partitions?


Read "How to Restore Your Backup from Windows Installation Media" at

You'll have to be able to boot from the restore disc or USB stick and there could be issues if the drive is smaller.

This is why I never use Microsoft's backup and restore. Too many failures. Fix in your case? Clone the drive from old to new.

Thanks for your help. I already know this site but not often went there.

Oh, by the way, nobody should store their backups in compressed form - - a few garbled bits a third of the way through, and you could lose the ability to restore the remaining two thirds of your data. I have had this happen - - a 14-piece saveset of which only the first four pieces could be read. Ouch. Backups should be expanded, with e.g. CRC blocks etc. in addition to your own data, so that if "something goes bad" you can still retrieve/restore the data. It's hard to find a backup utility whose authors realize this and implement it, but if you can find one, that's the one you should be using! If you can't find that, at least don't use compressed mode if there's an uncompressed mode available. Better you should lose a file or two, here and there, than "everything beyond that point."

nobody should store their backups in compressed form

I use Macrium Reflect for my imaging and I alwys use compressed. However, I also use verify. Before that I used Acronis for years (corporate as well as personal). In all they years I have never had a backup image refuse to restore because of a corruption. In any case, I do a full image (automatically) on the first of every month and a differential every other day. Even if one were to get corrupted I would only lose out on one day.

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