Inbetween contracts over the last year or so I have been beavering away building a CMS with a difference.
It's aimed at companies that have huge libraries of documents that every employee needs (operating procedures, handbooks, guides, etc) locked away in inflexible propriatory formats (aka Sharepoint/Confluence).
- documents are stored in plain text (Markdown) files
- the 'database' is a Git repository (but end-users needn't know!)
- authors can work online using the web editor (but power users can clone the repo and work in whichever editor they like)
- the documentation is 'published' to a static site, the theme can be customised (using CSS and HTML templates) by the company to match their styleguide
So, why am I posting here? Well, I can no longer see the wood for the trees. To the uninitiated, am I making sense? Is the website nonsense?
Please let me know, any feedback is welcome.