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I teach computer science at the high school level and work part time as a software developer.

Math, Web Development, Algorithms, Java
PC Specs
AMD 6 core desktop with 16GB RAM, HP Intel i7 laptop

21 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for modernfrt

Are you getting a sql exception? There is no need for ResultSet here. The sql insert should take care of everything you need.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for henryz_box

The way I have handled this in the past is by creating a simple text based messaging system and using UDP to broadcast the messages. This requires that all the clients have a thread running that just listend for incoming messages. When a UDP packet is received, that thread needs …

Member Avatar for henryz_box
Member Avatar for Vinolia

I wrote this a while ago because I wanted to implement the [Fletch readability index]( The question really has nothing to do with Java (but of course you can express the method in Java). The basic idea is that every group of vowels marks a new syllable. Then you can …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for DawnofanewEra

There are a number of ways of storing Time. The java.util.Date object stores date and time. You can use it to just store time, but it's not ideal. In answer to developers' frustration with this and other issues around java.util.Date, new APIs were added to Java8. The best fit for …

Member Avatar for TylerD75
Member Avatar for Arvin1
Re: Java

This is really not a Java question. It is an algebra question, and we are being asked to represent the answer with Java code. I recommend we start by forgetting about Java and just try to understand the question. If we can't solve it, how can we teach the computer …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for BMutev

Since you have not done this type of problem before, start by doing the problem. By that I mean, play the game. Get some black and white chips or poker chips or cards. Line them up and play the game. Or work out examples on paper like you did in …

Member Avatar for BMutev
Member Avatar for Pablo149

Just to illustrate Hiroshe's point, I received an email from a recruiter looking to hire a developer for an application in the medical field in New York. I also teach programming and wasn't looking to change jobs, but I was curious, so I responded. (I was also wondering why they …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for soche123

One option is to store each row as an element in a list. For instance, say the table stores Pets. Create a Java object called Pet which has data fields matching the columns in the table. This is basic the concept behind ORM (object relational matching). Then you could do …

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for Steve_19

I'm not sure what you are looking for with ANT and the command line. What is your goal? What are you trying to accomplish? I use ANT for a few minor things, like uploading files via FTP, signing jar files, and copying some files from the build directory to another …

Member Avatar for Steve_19
Member Avatar for henryz_box

Shouldn't the shuffle method take only a few miliseconds to run, if that? Swingworker is for tasks that take so long to execute that they will make the UI unresponsive. So if your shuffle method takes a second or two to run then it should definetly be on another thread. …

Member Avatar for henryz_box
Member Avatar for Clif40RD

Sorry to hear about your trouble learning Java. Programming should be fun and it can be, but if you fall behind or if a project is assigned that you aren't ready for yet, it gets frustrating. If you like this stuff and get into it, you can learn it well …

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for 2384443

I think you need to give us some examples. What do you mean by "background?" Are you creating a GUI swing app? If so, then the assumption to use JPanel (or JFrame) makes sense. But you can create a GUI app with JavaFX if you are being more modern and …

Member Avatar for raj.mscking
Member Avatar for nathan rashid
Member Avatar for momal

I'm trying to get better with the new Java 8 Streams API and this seems like a good candidate. Here goes: public static void main(String[] args) { final ArrayList<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<>(); try { Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get("studentTest.txt")); lines.forEach((String t) -> { String[] parse = t.split(":"); if(parse.length<2) return; studentList.add(new …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for devgit2810

As part of a First Robotics project (FRC) I placed a live video feed from a web cam mounted to a servo inside of a swing application (without recording the video). This was done using the SmartDashboard. It's all open source, so you might be able to grab the code …

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for directorabbey

If this is from a summer college class, then the problem may be that the material was presented more quickly than it could be learned. I have found that CS instruction is very poor at some colleges and this project makes me curious: What was the actual assignment? Was this …

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for llaspina

I purchased a Linksys N600 PRO Wi-Fi Range Extender because I would like to be able to work in my backyard. The product claims to expand coverage up to 7500 square feet which I take to mean a radius of around 85 ft. Maybe I should expect less because outside …

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for 1885

I feel like this is a very old way of doing things. If you can, I would move the form fields into the Applet or (better) a JNLP application. But if you want to get your JavaScript talking to your applet, look here:

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Ravi_15

I'm not sure what level we are looking for, but the MAA publishes books covering the USAMO which has the same format as the IMO (with easier questions). The first couple of problems on the Putnam exam (the ultamite college exam for math enthusiasts) are easier than (high school) Olympiads. …

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for Somayeh_1

Pom.xml defines the project dependencies. If you are just a beginner to java, then you have a TON of functionality to play with from the core libraries that come with the core JDK. Your IDE downloads whatever additional jar files your project needs by reading the pom file.

Member Avatar for llaspina
Member Avatar for happygeek

THe suggestion to disable Java in the browser and better yet uninstall it is just silly. When security holes are disovered in Windows, do we suggest that all users uninstall Windows? Java powers a large number of businesses and many users need Java installed to get their work done. Although …

Member Avatar for vmk99

The End.