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Ranked #55.0K
2 Posted Topics
How can I show a div when menu item is clicked in angular? The Div show fine when I click list item, but dsn't disappear when I navigate to other menu items. <li><a class="nav-link slots" (click)="showme = true" >Slots</a> <div ng-hide="showme"> <div class="ribbon" *ngIf="game.categories[0]"> <span>TOP</span> </div> <div class="ribbon" *ngIf="game.categories[2]"><span>NEW</span></div> </div> … | |
I need assistance in storing checkbox API values. I have multiple checkboxes and I can display API values in html when checkbox is checked. But how do I store the initial value of a checked checkbox and show it in a span? I currently get “on” value instead of API initial value … |
The End.