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16 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello, I want to call the function from a python file. By googling, it looks like I need to use the following function. I added a "" in the same place where the exe is stored for the c++ . int main() { Py_Initialize(); // Create some Python objects that …

Member Avatar for pdk123
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hi, I have the following map : listOfPolicyRuleInfo CPCRF::m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules; where typedef map<string, PolicyRuleInfo> listOfPolicyRuleInfo; where PolicyRuleInfo is a struct struct PolicyRuleInfo{ BearerQoSInfo stBearerQoS; TFTInfo stTFTInfo; PolicyRuleInfo(){}; PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo const& qos, TFTInfo const& tft) : stBearerQoS(qos), stTFTInfo(tft) { } }; listOfPolicyRuleInfo m_mlistOfCliConfiguredPolicyRules = boost::assign::map_list_of("PolicyRule_Fred", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(9), TFTInfo())) ("PolicyRule_Voice_C", PolicyRuleInfo( BearerQoSInfo(5), TFTInfo())) …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello, I have a basic c++ STL question. I have an octet array class (legacy). Now lets say the octet array has the following contents: array[0]=00 array[1]=01 array[2]=30 array[3]=01 array[4]=114 The key we need to generate from the above array should match ["00130-1-114"] Whats the best way to get this …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for pdk123

I have a approximate following class class ClassA : public ClassB { void HandleMessages(const u8 *pP, const u16 nMsgBodyLen); static std::map<std::pair<u32, u32>, CreateSessInfo> m_mSessionId2CCRNum2DefaultBearerId; }; When trying to access the map from the HandleMessage, I am getting the linker error, saying the undefined reference to m_mSessionId2CCRNum2DefaultBearerId; Could some c++ experts …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello , I have map of the following type: typedef map < int, vectorofInts > , Now the map has finite size. Each user when he registers, he will be allocated a key. Lets say the map size is 4. U1 will be allocated in K1. next U2 on K2, …

Member Avatar for pdk123
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello , I have map of the following type: typedef map < int, vectorofInts > , Now the map has finite size. Each user when he registers, he will be allocated a key. Lets say the map size is 4. U1 will be allocated in K1. next U2 on K2, …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hi, In the legacy implementation, there is a Queue (which stored the PDUs) which need to be retransmitted. The queue has been implementated as stl map (c++). So the last element in the Queue may not be the largest SN, as per transmit window. Is there any easy way to …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pdk123

i am a c programmer, 6 month old for c++. i am trying to add some feature to a huge c++ base code !. stuck at this funtion . ( function names/varibles names modified ) void MCE::AddM( int Cid, int Tid, int Rid) { TrInstEntry* pTrInstanceEntry = (TrInstanceEntry*)m_MappingList->find(Tid); if ( …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hi, Trying to learn STL. I tried implementing the dynamic array with the STL. I wrote the following code and tried with int array works fine, but when i try with string array input, i get the error..can you please help me, [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; template …

Member Avatar for pdk123
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello, Is the endianess can be for the nibble boundaries ? Because i have defined a class, and try to access the array with a pointer of class type. typedef unsigned char uint8; class A{ public: uint8 a:4; uint8 b:4; }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { uint8 temp = …

Member Avatar for pdk123
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hi , Sorry for this basic question, i am stuck, with somethings, I have a class class A{ int * mem_ptr; } then somewhere in the code: if ( mem_ptr == NULL ) { mem_ptr = new int; } Is it safe to assume that mem_ptr is NULL when the …

Member Avatar for wtf4096
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello, I looking for the information regarding the ROHC compression (IETF 3095 ) for the ipv6. ipv4 support is already implemented. ROHCcompressed packets can be of the following types: IR, IR-DYN, UOR-2, UOR-2-ID, UOR-2-TS etc. IR packets carry both the Static and dynamic header fields of the input stream header …

Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello All, I have the following doubt: Currently both the ipv4/ipv6 headers are such that they donot result in any padding. So it allows us to typecast the input stream to the ipv4/ipv6 header c structures. But don't you feel that this code is error prone ? [CODE]int Comp::getfield(uint8* pInPktStream) …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for pdk123

Hello All, I need your help to understand , if the following code is ok ? (Baically to have polymorphism of different argument types ) class A{ ... ... public: int function( structA *ptrA); int function( structB *ptrB); } I am getting the compilation error saying the syntax error at …

Member Avatar for pdk123
Member Avatar for pdk123

In the following c code, the num_elements is gobal. But if i make it as local and return , it gives strange value just before return it becomes '0' ...can anybody explain why ? [code] int num_elements =0; //generates a psuedo-random integer between min and max int randint(int min, int …

Member Avatar for pdk123
Member Avatar for pdk123

following is a simple embedded c piece of code, can somebody tell me is there a problem in it ? [code=c] boolean new(int a) { return !(a & 7); } [/code] i am new to embedded programming. It will be great help, any pointers to this ... thanks pdk

Member Avatar for Prabakar

The End.