Load on startup means: Power on to: Desktop displayed, Icons loaded, system in idle process, all daemons / devices running, connected to LAN / Internet.
Time it takes my Linux box to load on startup:
~45 seconds to one minute (and it has issues)
Time it taks my gf's Macbook to load on startup:
30 seconds.
Time it takes my IBM thinkpad T61 windows XP sp2 to load on startup:
7 - 15 minutes.
c'mon, is windows 7 going to be any faster? Are their crappy applications (Office?) going to run any smoother or glitch free? Have they been compiling all of their "error reports" from crashed applications and really trying to work on a more stable system? Maybe if they knew what they were doing. The most stable product Microsoft ever released was win2K and I'm only a fan of it since it was the least error prone product they've put out. It's not better than Unix, it's not better than OSx or leopard or snow leopard - whatever mac runs now. I mean, fool me once, shame on you, fool me like, eleven times . . . .?!